What is PII? Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is the data that could identify a specific person and identity. What is included in PII? It includes Personally Identifiable Information, it varies according to your country, but usually include the following: Mobile number Phone number Physical Address Email address Aadhaar number Pan number Salary amount Social security number National ID number Session cookies Username Password How to find PII data in Splunk logs?? To find the PII data start with a basic query like index=test “*@gmail.com” . You will get the output with the Gmail IDs, now start finding the variable names that the company is using to define the PII data like “emailAddress”, “Phonenumber”, etc from the output. In the same way, we have to search for different variable names that are used in the logs for defining the PII data. When we were searching for the PII data, we have found some variable names that companies are mostly using for defining the PII d...
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