A new version is here now: So now the solution is here: Access my Github URL https://github.com/crazywifi/Veracode_XML_Report_To_Excel_File_Converter Download any file [Python or EXE]. Copy the EXE file/Python file to the Veracode XML report file folder. Run the command “Veracode_XML_to_Excel.exe Veracode_XML_File.xml” or “python3 Veracode_XML_to_Excel.py Veracode_XML_File.xml” The output report will generate by the name “Veracodeout.xlsx” Features of this script: 1. You can convert the XML file to Excel. 2. The Excel file includes: * Severity * Vulnerability Name * IssueID * Description * Remediation * SourcePath * Line Number * Mitigation Status * Vulnerability severity name with color * Mitigation Status 3. Remediation is in a separate column 4. The Severity is converted to strings like Critical, High, Medium, Low, and Informational. I hope this tool will make your life a little easier 😀
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