The company has reported that it is investigating a cyber security incident and also alerted the law-enforcement authorities. Uber is on high alert after a hacker claimed that the ride-hailing giant has suffered a data breach. The alleged breach had reportedly forced Uber to take several internal communications and engineering systems offline.
Screenshot from Twitter vxunderground
How this attack worked initially (According to news and Twitter):
You all are thinking that how the attacker bypassed the MFA?
An extremely common misconception people have with standard forms of MFA (push/touch/mobile) is that it prevents social engineering. Although MFA can protect against an attacker who only has the victim's credentials, it is commonly still vulnerable to MiTM attacks.
Check the analysis of the Uber attack, he has explained it clearly
Some mitigation to avoid these hacks:
- Regular phishing awareness should be done in the organization.
- Single credentials should not be used for accessing all services. Change to certificate-based authentication.
- Shared drives and other internal drives should be checked regularly for sensitive information like usernames, passwords, and PII data. The sensitive data should be stored in the Vault.
- Minimize the services access within the organization. Only provide access to the user which is required.
"Phishing awareness is most important because humans are more vulnerable than machines and software."
Wishing their blue teams the best of luck and love during this difficult period.
Insightful !