Let's Contribute All Together For Creating a Questions Dump
- What are the vulnerabilities you have to test in the Login form, Payment gateway?
- What is clickjacking?
- What is the mitigation of clickjacking?
- What is CSRF?
- How to mitigate CSRF?
- Let's take an example, If a developer implements a CSRF token in a cookie, will it mitigate the CSRF issue?
- Is it possible to mitigate the CSRF by header? If yes why, if No why?
- If the data is in JSON format, how you will check the CSRF issue and what are the ways of exploitation?
- Where to implement the CSRF token and why?
- If the client doesn't want to change the UI or doesn't want to implement the CSRF tokens, and headers then what mitigation you recommended to the client for CSRF?
- What is the problem with the per-request token?
- Is login CSRF possible? Explain login CSRF? Have you ever exploited it?
- What is the mitigation for login CSRF?
- Suppose, in an application csrf token is implemented in each request and every request, except the employee search field, but in the search field, higher privilege user or authenticated/authorized user can view sensitive details of the user. So, is it necessary to implement csrf token in the search field? If yes/No explain?
- How to bypass CSRF token mitigation?
- What is SSRF?
- What is the difference between SSRF and CSRF?
- What are the impact of SSRF?
- Is it possible to do XSS by SSRF? If yes, how? If not, why?
- What is the difference between SSRF and LFI?
- Explain how we can perform the SSRF in a cloud environment?
- Let's assume that you are trying SSRF and you are not getting any response then what you will do? What's your next step?
- What are the bypasses of SSRF mitigation?
- What we can achieve by SSRF exploitation?
- Tell me your process of doing WAPT? How do you start?
- What is XXE?
- What is blind XXE?
- What is the mitigation of XXE?
- How you would detect the blind XXE?
- What you would do if you find the XXE?
- Is it possible to perform XXE in upload functionality?
- What is SOP?
- What are the bypasses of SOP?
- Why do we need SOP?
- What is CORS?
- Why do we need CORS?
- What are bypasses of CORS? or How to find misconfigured CORS?
- What is the CSP header? and Why do we need it?
- What are the misconfiguration of CSP?
- How to implement CSP?
- Why do we need CSP if this functionality is used by SOAP and CORS?
- What is XSS? What are the types of XSS?
- How to exploit DOM-based XSS?
- What can be done with XSS?
- What is the mitigation of XSS?
- What do you do if reflected XSS exists other than phishing?
- What is the mitigation of XSS?
- What is the difference between hashing and encryption?
- What is the best way to store passwords in the database? What should we use hashing or encryption?
- What are the HTTP security headers?
- What is a secure flag in a cookie? What is its use of it?
- What is the use of the HTTPOnly flag?
- When we need the path flag in the cookie should not be root (/)?
- Why do we need logging and monitoring?
- What is important to log?
- How to find SQLI? Tell me some test cases?
- What are the types of SQLI?
- Tell the SQLI steps?
- How to exploit blind SQLi?
- Difference between Encoding, hashing, encryption, and Obfuscation?
- What is the mitigation of SQLI?
- Which one is best and why stored procedure and parameterized queries for SQLI? and why?
- How does SSL/TLS handshake work?
- How to perform DNS data exfiltration?
- What is LFI and RFI?
- Is it possible that if LFI exists, then RFI also exists?
- Mitigation of LFI/RFI?
- What is serialization and deserialization?
- What is insecure deserialization?
- What is OAuth?
- If the Secure flag is set, but the attacker is still able to steal cookies by MITM, Why it's possible.
- Explain IDOR? and Mitigation?
- Tell types of attack in Session Management?
- How to intercept WSDL?
- What is JWT? and what is the use of JWT?
- What are the vulnerabilities in JWT? Explain some vulnerabilities?
- How to detect JWT vulnerabilities?
- How does JWT differ from sessions?
- What is the difference between API security testing and web app security testing?
- What are the types of authentication?
- How to find whether WAF is enabled or not on the server?
- What is salting? and Why do we need it?
- Where to use salting?
- How does HTTP handle state?
- What are the common API security best practices?
- What is the difference between REST API and SOAP API?
- Application is vulnerable to form submission without any restriction, what are the mitigations you suggest to prevent it?
- Tell some business logical vulnerabilities in a web application you have ever encountered?
- Does the source code security review is important? If yes/No why?
- What you would achieve by open redirection vulnerability?
- What are the security test cases you would perform on upload functionality?
- Tell one vulnerability by which you would add an extra header in the request?
- How to bypass 403?
- What are the ways of securely storing the password on the server?
- What is race condition vulnerability?
- What you would check on user login, password reset and register functionalities?
- What is HTTP request smuggling?
- Tell, Top 6 unique vulnerabilities found in the application?
- How to do RCE by SQL Injection?
- The user name and password field are going in the URL what are the risks?
- What factors CSRF impact depends on?
- If you were to present the vulnerability report to CISO and Developers, what is your approach? Take an example of one vulnerability for an explanation. (Contribution: Anirudha Bramhe)
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