Create a Bot for the Telegram Alert Open Telegram messenger, sign in to your account or create a new one Enter @Botfather in the search tab and choose this bot. (Official Telegram bots have a blue checkmark beside their name.) Click “Start” to activate BotFather bot.In response, you receive a list of commands to manage bots. Choose or type the /newbot command and send it. Choose a name for your bot — your subscribers will see it in the conversation. And choose a username for your bot — the bot can be found by its username in searches. The username must be unique and end with the word “bot.” Copy the token value. How to Create a New Bot for Telegram: How to Get Your Telegram Chat ID: In your Telegram account, search for “@myidbot” or open this link on your smartphone. Start a conversation with that bot and type /getid. You w...
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