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Subdomain Enumeration Techniques


What is sub-domain Enumeration?

Subdomain enumeration is a process of finding subdomains for one or more domains.

Why need sub-domain enumeration?

  • Sub-domain enumeration helps to create a scope of security assessment by revealing domains/sub-domains of a target organization.
  • Sub-domain enumeration increases the chance of finding vulnerabilities.
  • The sub-domain enumeration helps us in finding the web applications that might be forgotten/left unattended by the organization for the maintenance or other reasons and may lead to the disclosure of critical vulnerabilities.

Types of sub-domain enumeration

There are two types of enumeration techniques available which consist of other sub techniques.

1. Passive sub-domain enumeration

In passive sub-domain enumeration, an adversary or tester gathers the sub-domain information without directly connecting to the infrastructure managed by the organization. In this process, the adversary or tester gathers the information from third parties like, the information is gathered by Virustotal, DNSDumster, certificate, etc. Generally, any alerts of flags are not raised during such probing.

Passive sub-domain enumeration techniques:

  • Certificate Transparency
  • ASN Discovery
  • Using Search Engines
  • Using DNS aggregators (Github, Virustotal, etc)
  • Subject alternate name (SAN)
  • Using public datasets
  • DNS Enum using Cloudflare

2. Active sub-domain enumeration

In active sub-domain enumeration, the adversary or tester gathers the information by directly probing the infrastructure managed by the organization. In active enumeration, the detection of adversary or tester may be possible by the organization. Such kind of probing may raise alerts and/or flags.

Active sub-domain enumeration techniques:

  • Brute force enumeration
  • Dictionary enumeration
  • Zone walking
  • DNS record
  • HTTP headers
  • DNS cache snooping

Passive sub-domain enumeration techniques

By Certificate Transparency

Before understanding the certificate transparency, we would first need to understand the basic terminology related to digital certificates.

What is a digital certificate?

A digital certificate is a certificate that is issued by the trusted third party which is called a certificate authority to verify the identity of the certificate sender or holder.

For example: The driving license assigned by the government authority which is a third party whom we trust. The traffic police check if the ride can or cannot ride by checking the driving license. Here in this example traffic police are like users who access the website and government authority is the certificate authority whereas the rider is the website.

Who are certificate authorities?

Certificate authorities or CA are the globally trusted third-party companies like VeriSign, GeoTrust, GoDaddy, etc that manage three major tasks:

  • Issues certificates
  • Confirm the identity of the certificate owner
  • Provide proof that the certificate is valid

What is a digital signature?

A digital signature is a mathematical way for verifying the authenticity of digital messages or documents.

The steps followed in creating a digital signature are:

  1. The website holder generates the “public key” and “private key”.
  2. The website holder sends the “public key” with some other information like holder name, subject, serial number, signature algorithm, signature, etc to the certificate authority.
  3. The certificate authority verifies the data provided by the Website holder then builds the certificate and finally digitally signs it for the holder. A certificate is a document that contains necessary information about the website holder like the holder public key, expiration date, name of the certificate holder, the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority.
  4. CA send the certificate to the website holder. The holder configures the certificate in the server.

How the certificate works when a user accesses a website?

  1. When we access the https website in the browser, let say Google, google server sends the server public key and the certificate which was signed by CA to the user.
  2. Now the user browser verifies the authenticity of the certificate. As all the browsers come with pre-installed globally trusted CA public keys. The browser tries to decrypt the certificate that was digitally signed by the CA public key.
  3. If the browser is able to decrypt the signature (which means, it is a trustworthy website) then it proceeds to the next step else it stops and shows a red cross before the URL.
  4. As told in the above steps, Google sends its public key when we enter in the browser. Any data encrypted with this public key can only be decrypted by Google’s private key which Google does not share with anyone.
  5. After certificate validation, the browser creates a new symmetric key let us say “Session Key” and make 2 copies of it. These keys can encrypt as well as decrypt the data.
  6. The browser then encrypts one copy of the session key and other request data with Google’s public key and sends it back to the Google server.
  7. Then Google’s server decrypts the encrypted data using its private key and gets the “Session Key”, and other requested data.
  8. When Google sends the HTTP data to the browser, it first encrypts the data with the “Session Key” and the browser decrypts the data with the other copy of the session key because this key is a symmetric key.
  9. Similarly, when the browser sends the HTTP data to the Google server it encrypts it with the “Session Key” which the server decrypts on the other side.

What is Certificate Transparency?

Certificate Transparency is the open-source framework for the certificate authorities (CAs) under which they log the certificates to the domain name owners. In this way, anyone can see which CA has issued a certificate for which domains. It is like the inventory of all certificates, certificate authorities, and domains.

Why we need Certificate Transparency?

  1. By compromising the infrastructure of the certificate authority, the adversary can maliciously issue the certificates by the certificate authority without the consent of CA.
  2. The certificate authority can mistakenly issue a certificate to the wrong owner.

The problem with the previous CAs infrastructure was that there was no effective way to audit or monitor SSL certificates in real-time. So, when any missteps or malicious activities happen, the suspect certificate was not usually detected and revoked for weeks or months. These miss issues of certificates were used to spoof a legitimate website or to install malicious software etc.

Case Study: The DigiNotar was a Dutch certificate authority that was compromised, and the adversary used the CAs system to issue 500 fake SSL certificates. In the investigation, it was discovered that the adversary issued the wildcard certificate for Which gave the adversary the ability to impersonate Google. This was widely used by the adversary to attack against Gmail users in Iran.

How does Certificate Transparency help in OSINT?

Now we know that certificate transparency logs all the entries of the issued certificates in an inventory. This includes domain names, sub-domain names, and email addresses. This is publicly available to everyone. By using CT (Certificate Transparency) logs an adversary can gather basic information about the organization’s infrastructure in a passive way.

CT logs search engines:

Note: It may be possible that the domain/sub-domain during recon may not resolve because the domain/sub-domain names may not exist. Certificate Transparency logs are only appended and there is no way to delete these domains from CT logs.

By using Search Engines:

Search engines are one of the best techniques to find subdomains in a passive way. During my research, I found that the “Site:” operator which was used to search domain and subdomains was working in the below-mentioned search engines:


By using Online DNS Tools:

During my research I found 9 sub-domain enumeration services:

Comparison of online available subdomains enumeration services:

The subdomains number mentioned in pie-chart were not validated, so it may be possible that these subdomains are false positive, but you can validate by using “massdns” or any other tool that resolves subdomains.

By using ASN (Autonomous System Number) number

An autonomous system is a set of interconnected networks under single administrative control. In simple term, ISP (Internet Service Provider) is an autonomous system where one or more intradomain routing protocols are used to handle the networking inside the autonomous system and only one inter-domain routing protocol which is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is used to handle the routing between different autonomous systems.

Autonomous System Number

An autonomous system number is a unique number that is given to an Autonomous system and which is assigned by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). Autonomous system numbers can be public or private.

Private ASN: A private ASN is a unique identifier for an AS that is used for communicating an AS to one entity.

Public ASN: A public ASN is a unique identifier that is advertised to the public internet. This is also used to communicate between ASNs.

Every ISP buys the IP address pool and ASN number from IANA. The IP address pool and ANS number are unique. It helps to differentiate the network from other networks. For BGP connection with multiple networks, ASN is needed and for an internal autonomous system (AS) IP address is needed. BGP protocol works on the ASN number.

In the above image, when BOB sends a message to Marley from Reliance Jio ISP to BSNL ISP below are the steps that are performed for sending messages.

  1. When BOB sends a message to Marley, it is first delivered to Reliance Jio ISP using intradomain routing.
  2. Reliance Jio ISP checks the destination IP address and then search for ASN number where the source IP address exists, here in this case Reliance Jio finds the BSNL ASN number.
  3. The BGP protocol is used for message delivery between both autonomous systems.
  4. BSNL ISP received the message and then the message is delivered to Marley.

Note: Many large network infrastructure organizations also have the ASN numbers, so it’s not necessary that only ISP has the ASN number. It usually depends on the network infrastructure in use.

How is ASN number used in domain enumeration?

  • Initially, find ASN number by IP address or domain name. ASN number will help you to get the IP address pool.
  • Resolve the IP address to the domain using dig, host, or any other tools. Note that the IP address to the domain only resolves when the PTR record is configured in DNS configuration.

Online tools to find ASN number

Online tools to find IP pool from ASN number

We can use WHOIS queries and Nmap script to find all the IP addresses that belong to the ASN


whois -h -- '-i origin AS36459' | grep -Eo "([0-9.]+){4}/[0-9]+" | uniqnmap --script targets-asn --script-args targets-asn.asn=17012

By using Subject Alternate Name (SAN)

What is Subject Alternate Name (SAN)

It is an extension to the X.509 specification that allows us to secure additional domains or subdomains by a single SSL certificate. It is also called a “multi-domain SSL certificate”.

So, now the question is what is the difference between a multi-domain SSL certificate and a wildcard SSL certificate?

Wildcard Certificate

Wildcard certificate only secures the multiple subdomains under the main domain.

Example: If issued a wildcard certificate on * then this certificate secures only subdomains which ends with “”.

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate

The multi-domain SSL certificate secures up to 250 unique domain names or subdomains and that domain/subdomains names mentioned in the Subject Alternative Names (SAN) field in the certificate.

Example: If issued a multi-domain SSL certificate on “” then we can add multiple other domains and subdomains in SAN to protect them by SSL.


Tools to extract domain names from SAN


true | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null \
| openssl x509 -noout -text \
| perl -l -0777 -ne '@names=/\bDNS:([^\s,]+)/g; print join("\n", sort @names);'

By Python Script

Command: python

By using Public Dataset (Rapid7)

Project Sonar is an initiative by Rapid7. Rapid7 initiates the project Sonar, where Rapid7 performs Internet scanning to collect Internet-wide scan data and then publish the results publicly for free and some data is paid. Datasets cover areas like:

  • Forward DNS
  • Reverse DNS
  • HTTP Responses
  • SSL Certificates
  • Port Scans

These datasets can be useful during an offensive engagement like in this case for subdomain enumeration. Although finding data in large datasets is very time-consuming.

Rapid7 Datasets Link:

By using Cloudflare

Cloudflare is the network of servers that are spread all over the world to create CDN (Content delivery network) like technology. This network act as a reverse proxy server between users and the server that holds the website.

Difference between reverse proxy and forward proxy

Reverse Proxy

  • The reverse proxy is a server-side concept and acting on behalf of the server/service/content producer.
  • A reverse proxy is a server that is in front of the webserver/service and when client requests for websites/services, the request is initially delivered to the reverse proxy, and then the reverse proxy communicates to the webserver/service on behalf of the server.
  • The reverse proxy is implemented to increase performance and security.
  • The reverse proxy is used for load balancing, SSL multiplexing, caching, application firewall, authentication, etc.

Forward Proxy

  • A forward proxy is a client-side concept and acting on behalf of the requestor or service consumer.
  • A forward proxy is a server that is in front of client machines and when client requests for websites/services, the request is first delivered to the forward proxy, and then the forward proxy communicates to the webserver/service on behalf of the client.
  • A forward proxy is used for content filtering, Email security, Nating, etc.

Content Delivery Network (CDN):

It is a network of distributed caching servers with a web application firewall, which are used for delivering the content in the most optimal way and improve end user’s performance.

Steps for subdomain enumeration by Cloudflare:

Active sub-domain enumeration techniques

Brute force or Dictionary Attacks

Brute force means guessing possible combinations of the target until the expected output is discovered. So, in the subdomain context, the brute-forcing is to try the possible combination of words, alphabets, and numbers before the main domain in order to get a subdomain that is resolved to IP address. Sometimes subdomains are not indexed on search engines and are not available on online DNS aggregators sites in that case brute forcing is the best way to find out the subdomains which may have been forgotten by the organization. It is like a treasure for an adversary.

Two techniques for subdomain enumeration using brute force:

  • Dictionary brute force
  • Permutation brute force

Dictionary brute force:

In the dictionary brute force, we directly use the wordlist to the brute force domain name to find valid subdomains.


Permutation brute force:

In permutation brute force, we create a new resolved subdomain list from already known subdomains/domains by using permutation, mutation, and alteration with a wordlist.


By Zone Transfer

DNS zone transfer is the process of replication of DNS database or DNS records from the primary name server to the secondary name server.

The DNS zone transfer functionality is used by an adversary only when the primary name server is configured to replicate the zone information to any server. An adversary acts as a slave and asks the master for a copy of the zone records.

Why need DNS zone transfer:


If the primary name server goes down, then the secondary server handles all DNS requests.

Load Balancing

If many DNS name resolution requests occurred, then the secondary name server load balances these requests.

Faster Resolution

If the primary name server is located on the slow WAN link, then the secondary name server handles the name resolution requests.

Types of information gathered by zone transfer

  • Subdomain
  • Email address (Could help in phishing)
  • Current serial number (Change in serial no. may indicate changes in the organization)
  • Email server (Could help in phishing)
  • Name server
  • Location may be disclosed by LOC record
  • The IP address of the website
  • Services running in the organization by SRV record

Command to check zone transfer

dig ns +noall +answer
dig axfr
host -t ns zonetransfer.mehost -t ns
host -t axfr
nslookup -type=ns
nslookup -query=AXFR

By Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)

Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is used to protect the integrity and authenticity of the data in DNS by establishing a chain of trust.

Before an understanding of DNSSEC, we first need to understand the basics of DNS:

What are the DNS functionalities?

  • DNS is used to translate the domain names to IP address or vice-versa.
  • DNS works on both TCP and UDP but normally works on UDP port 53.
  • TCP port 53 is used when very large request and response is sent, example zone transfer. → ←

Why DNS?

Domain names are alphabet and they are easier to remember that is why we use domain names.

Before DNS the host.txt file was required to be regularly updated, which was distributed to all hosts on the Internet.

Issues with this are:

  • The host file usually was huge after prolonged usage
  • Regular manual updating was required
  • Name uniqueness maintenance was required, which proved a difficult task.

How does it work?

When you enter a domain name in the browser (, it first tries to resolve from the system host file, then passes the request to the ISP DNS server, then passes to another DNS server and this process continues until the request is not resolved. When the request resolves the response flow back to the DNS servers to the original requester that is the browser and then the requested website becomes accessible.

Basic DNS terminologies:

Name servers

  • Authoritative Servers
  • Non-Authoritative/Caching Servers

DNS Query

  • Recursive DNS Query
  • Non-Recursive or Iterative DNS Query
  • Inverse Query

Name servers

Authoritative Server

  • The authoritative name server is the official name server that is authorized to provide an answer for a domain you are querying for.
  • The authoritative name server can be more than one name server.
  • There are two types of authoritative name servers based on the management method primary (master) and secondary (slave).
  • Changes are done in the primary name server and the secondary name server/s will retrieve the copy of the zone file from the primary name server.

Non-Authoritative/Caching Server

The non-Authoritative name server is the cache server, which cache the domain information for faster response to the domain you are querying.

DNS Query

DNS query is configured on the DNS server and accordingly, the DNS server works.

Recursive DNS Query

When the recursive query is configured on the DNS server then the DNS server does all the job on behalf of you to fetch the answer of your query. During this process, the DNS server might query other DNS servers on the internet for the answer.

Non-Recursive or Iterative DNS Query

When a non-recursive query is configured on the DNS server then the DNS server do not fetch the complete answer of the query on behalf of you but will give the address of other DNS server, which might have the answer of the query. During this process, the DNS server might provide the IP address of other DNS servers on the internet for the answer and the operating system resolver will query until the domain name does not resolve.

Inverse Query

Inverse DNS query works opposite to normal DNS query. Inverse DNS query or reverse DNS query is used when the user wants to resolve the IP address to a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

DNS Protocol Vulnerability

The original DNS protocol was not designed with security in mind, as the Internet grows, it becomes less trustworthy. There was no DNS data protection mechanism available which caused below vulnerabilities:

  • DNS data can be corrupted as it was transferred between primary server, secondary server, resolver or forwarder, cache server.
  • DNS data transaction could be compromised as the primary server may send DNS records data to the wrong secondary server which could be in adversary control.
  • There was no way to check the integrity of the DNS data.

Basic DNS Security Practices

  • Run the updated version of DNS software.
  • Restrict queries
  • Prevent unauthorized zone transfers
  • Run BIND with the least privilege (use chroot)
  • Randomize source ports
  • Secure the box
  • Implement TSIG and DNSSEC

Two protection mechanism “Transaction Signature (TSIG) and DNS Security Extension (DNSSEC)” use for DNS data protection

Transaction Signature (TSIG)

  • TSIG secures the transaction to protect zone transfer and dynamic updates.
  • TSIG makes sure that the DNS query (Ex: AXFR) comes from the right place and is not modified in transit.
  • Work on a shared secret key, which is configured on both master and slave DNS servers.
  • TSIG is configured in the DNS server (named.conf) file, not in the zone file.
  • A wrong key does not allow for the zone transfer and will be logged on the server log.

Command: dig @<server> <zone> AXFR -k <TSIG key file>

dig @localhost AXFR -k

DNS Security Extension (DNSSEC)

  • DNSSEC is used to secure the zone data by making sure that the resource records are those records that are signed by the administrator of the zone.
  • It protects the integrity and authenticity of the zone data by establishing a chain of trust.
  • It uses a digital signature to verify the zone data.

For signature validation DNSSEC add new DNS record types:

RRset and RRSIG

The first step for securing the zone with DNSSEC is to group all the same types of records which is called resource record set (RRset).

RRset Example:

Bundle into a single A RRset 7200 IN A 7200IN A 7200IN A

RRsets are digitally signed with the private key of the zone server and signature are published in DNS as RRSIG. Public DNSKEY is also published to verify the RRSIG signature.

RRSIG Example:

Zone Signing Key (ZSK)

  • The private zone signing key is used to digitally sign each RRset and store them in RRSIG.
  • The public zone signing key is used by the resolver to verify the digital signature stored in RRSIG.
  • The public zone signing key stored in the DNSKEY record.
  • When DNSSEC resolver asks for a DNS record (e.g. A), the name server also return the corresponding RRSIG, and then DNSSEC resolver ask for the public ZSK from the name server.
  • If we trust the zone signing key, then we can trust all the records in the zone but what if the zone signing key was compromised? So, to validate the public ZSK we used key signing key (KSK).

Key Signing Key (KSK)

  • The KSK validates the DNSKEY record for zone signing key in the same way the ZSK validates the RRSIG record.
  • The private KSK signed the public ZSK and public KSK, which is stored in DNSKEY record and create an RRSIG for the DNSKEY that stores the signature of the public ZSK and KSK.
  • The name server stores the public KSK in another DNSKEY record.
  • DNSSEC resolver used the public KSK to validate the public ZSK.
  • To establish trust within the zone.
  • The key signing key (KSK) is signed by itself, which does not provide any additional trust, an attacker compromised the zone and may alter all these keys. So, for the complete trust, we need parent-child trust for this delegation signer (DS) record is used.

Delegation Signer (DS) Record

  • Delegation signer (DS) record to allow the transfer of trust from the parent zone to the child zone.
  • The zone operator hashes the public KSK and gives it to the parent zone to publish the hash as a DS record.
  • Whenever the resolver connects with the child zone, the parent zone also shares its DS record, it makes the trust between parent and child.
  • The DS record in the parent zone helps the resolver to know that the child zone is DNSSEC enabled.
  • DS records should not be added in the child zone.

Why do we use two keys?

So, now the quest is what is the purpose of using two keys when both keys are from the zone itself.

We used two keys to protect the zone itself and to provide the parent-child trust, as making any modification in key signing key (KSK) is a difficult process because we have to make a hash and change that hash into the parent delegation signer (DS) record. Changing the DS record is a multi-step process that can end up breaking the zone if it’s performed incorrectly. On the other side, changing the zone signing key (ZSK) is much easier. We just need a modification within a zone.

What if the attacker compromised the child and parent server then all the DS information would match. So, to trust the DS record first understand the “The chain of trust”.

The Chain of Trust

  • The chain of trust work by signing the delegate signer (DS) records by ZSK like any other RRset for the child’s keys, which means it stores the signing data into the RRSIG in the parent.
  • The digital signature for DS is stored in the RRSIG record.
  • For the chain of trust, in the validating resolver asks .com for the ZSK public key, DS and signature to verify the hash in the parent zone of the child KSK key and to verifying the KSK of .com, the resolver asks the root (.) for the DS, ZSK and signatures and same process for root. The whole validation process repeats until we get to the parent’s public KSK.

Till now, and .com check out, but what about root? There is no parent DS record to validate against.

For completing the chain of trust cycle, we must trust the security procedure done by a human.

For signing the root, the Root Signing Ceremony is performed every quarter in verify the public and highly audited way. In this ceremony, some selected individuals from the international community agree and sign the root DNS zone’s RRset for the DNSKEY records. The ceremony produces an RRSIG record that can be used to verify the root name servers public KSK and ZSK. Instead of trusting the public KSK because of the parent’s DS record, DNS resolver assumes that it’s valid because we trust the security process in which the Root Signing Ceremony was performed.

NSEC/NSEC3 (Explicit Denial of Existence)

In traditional DNS setup, when we ask DNS for the IP address of a domain that doesn’t exist, it returns an empty answer. So, how we authenticate that domain doesn’t exist since there is no message to sign. The fix for this issue was to add NSEC and NSEC3 record types that explicitly tell a DNS resolver that a given zone does not exist.

The NSEC record is used to prove that something really does not exist, by providing the name before it, and the name after it.

NSEC works by returning the “next secure” record. The NSEC record allows for proof of non-existence for record types. For every existing name, there is a corresponding NSEC record. This NSEC record states what types are available for the current name, as well as the next valid name, is in the sorted zone file. This brings us to the downside of NSEC: Since the NSEC records essentially chain through the complete zone, it’s possible to do “zone walking”.


Let’s assume a request is made for


dig NSEC




dig NSEC



In the same way, attackers use it for zone walking and enumerate all subdomains in the zone.

NSEC3 uses a hashing algorithm to list the next available domain in the “hashed” format. It is still possible for an attacker to do zone walking, although at a higher computation cost.

DNSSEC Process

  1. The user enters the in the browser to access the website.
  2. DNS request transfer to resolver for the DNS resolution.
  3. Resolver query nameservers for the A record and in this query, resolver add DNSSEC bit, which notifies the nameserver that resolver is DNSSEC enabled and DNSSEC Answers are desired.
  4. The name server is DNSSEC enabled, so nameserver responds with the answer to the A record query with the RRSIG of A record which is the digital signature for the verification purpose.
  5. For digital signature verification, the resolver asks the nameserver for the public key which is DNSSEC (ZSK and KSK) records.
  6. Nameserver responds with DNSSEC (ZSK and KSK) and RRSIG of the DNSSEC records.
  7. The DNSSEC(ZSK) record is used to verify the RRSIG of the A record, the answer received in step 4, and DNSSEC (KSK) record is used to verify the RRSIG of the DNSSEC (ZSK and KSK) record.
  8. For the chain of trust, the resolver queries the parent (.com) for the DS record that is the hash of the of KSK.
  9. Parent (.com) nameserver responds with the DS record and RRSIG of the DS record.
  10. The DS record is the hash value of the child KSK that is stored in the parent DS record. The resolver verifies the RRSIG record of the KSK in the child by decrypting the digital signature and comparing the hash of the DS record with the hash of the RRSIG KSK after decryption.
  11. Resolver query the .com nameserver for the DNSKEY to verify the RRSIG of the DS record.
  12. The parent (.com) nameserver responds with the DNSKEY (ZSK and KSK). The resolver decrypts the RRSIG of the DS record with the ZSK public key and verifies the result. RRSIG of KSK verifies by the KSK public key.
  13. For the chain of trust, the resolver asks the root (.) for the (.com) DS record, which is a hash of the .com KSK.
  14. The root name server responds with DS record and RRSIG of DS. The DS record is used to verify the KSK of the (.com).
  15. Resolver query for the DNSKEY of the root to verify the RRSIG record of DS.
  16. The root nameserver responds with the DNSKEY, resolver decrypts the RRSIG of the DS with the root ZSK, and compare the DS values. Public root KSK is used to decrypt the RRSIG of the ZSK and compare the ZSK for the trust. If all the results are verified, then all zones and records are trustable.

Tools for NSEC subdomain enumeration

Subdomain Enumeration by DNS Records

CNAME Record

In DNS zone file CNAME stands for a canonical name. CNAME is used in the domain name system (DNS) to create an alias or pointer for one domain name to another domain name.

For example:                 A          CNAME

Let say, is the domain name that connects with the file server, where you store all the personal files, but you want to access the same server with for better understanding. So, for accessing the domain with you have to create an alias or pointer that points to the

Sometimes CNAME reveals an organization subdomain or reveals information about third-party services like Amazon.

SPF Record

SPF is the Sender Policy Framework as the name suggests. It is a policy that is used for whitelisting the IP address and domain names which are authorized to send an email on behalf of your domain. SPF is the list of IP addresses and domains that are allowed to send an email on behalf of your domain.

So, when you send an email let say from the domain to the domain. The Gmail that receives the email will check if the IP address of the mail server that sent the email is included in the SPF record of the zone file.

If the sending IP address is in the list, the email will pass the SPF check and mail will likely be delivered.

If the sending IP is not on the SPF record, it likely not to be delivered.

An adversary uses this information to understand the organization’s infrastructure, IP addresses, third-party email services, internal netblocks, and subdomains. The SPF record is defined using the TXT record. So, whenever one searches for the SPF record, it should be searched by the TXT record.


Netblocks, ASN, and Domain names extractor from SPF Record

Subdomain Enumeration by HTTP Header

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a response header that tells the browser from what sources it is allowed to include and execute resources from.

It is like a filter where sources are mentioned and in sources, the domains and subdomains are mentioned. An adversary may use this information to enumerate more subdomains and other domains that are allowed by the organization.


  • Curl
  • Domain extraction from CSP

Conver Domain to IP Address


#!/bin/bash# by @xdavidhu# This is a script inspired by the Bug Hunter's Methodology 3 by @Jhaddix# With this script, you can convert domain lists to resolved IP lists without duplicates.# Usage: ./ [domain-list-file] [output-file]echo -e "[+] by @xdavidhu\n"if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then  echo "[!] Usage: ./ [domain-list-file] [output-file]"  exit 1fiecho "[+] Resolving domains to IPs..."while read d || [[ -n $d ]]; do  ip=$(dig +short $d|grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b"|head -1)  if [ -n "$ip" ]; then    echo "[+] '$d' => $ip"    echo $ip >> $2  else    echo "[!] '$d' => [RESOLVE ERROR]"  fidone < $1echo -e "\n[+] Removing duplicates..."sort $2 | uniq > $2.newmv $ $2echo -e "\n[+] Done, IPs saved to '$2'."


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Nowadays we start using many technology devices in our homes. Many people are installing CCTV or security cameras in their houses, private rooms, offices, private places, etc for security purposes and monitoring, but many of them don't know how to configure that device securely. So let's talk about CCTV and security cameras only.  What do most CCTV/Security camera users believe? Most users believe that using a strong username and password on a camera administrative page protects them. (Partially true in the case of online cameras) Example: Why it is partially true? It's partially true because you are protecting only the camera administrative page which is also an important part. Still, you are not protecting the protocol used to control streaming media servers (Real-Time Streaming Protocol ( RTSP )). I have seen many online webcams whose administrative page is secured by strong credentials, but they forget to secure the RTSP protocol which gives me access to the streaming ...

Web Application Security Testing (WAPT) Interview Questions

Let's Contribute All Together For Creating a Questions Dump What are the vulnerabilities you have to test in the Login form, Payment gateway? What is clickjacking? What is the mitigation of clickjacking? What is CSRF? How to mitigate CSRF? Let's take an example, If a developer implements a CSRF token in a cookie, will it mitigate the CSRF issue? Is it possible to mitigate the CSRF by header? If yes why, if No why? If the data is in JSON format, how you will check the CSRF issue and what are the ways of exploitation? Where to implement the CSRF token and why? If the client doesn't want to change the UI or doesn't want to implement the CSRF tokens, and headers then what mitigation you recommended to the client for CSRF? What is the problem with the per-request token? Is login CSRF possible? Explain login CSRF? Have you ever exploited it? What is the mitigation for login CSRF? Suppose, in an application csrf token is implemented in each request and every request, except th...